Tuesday, 8 April 2014

.... And A Splash Of Sugar, Eggs And Butter

I came home much earlier than usual as a photoshoot with an interviewee went on smoothly than expected, Alhamdhulilah. Today is one of the days in the week when AZ has his aviation evening classes.
So, with some time to myself, I decided to bake. A chocolate chip cake. A usual with our house.

I grew up watching Cousin Sister R baking cakes. And she makes lovely cakes (doesn't bother anymore though as she is constantly getting tired running behind her two kids). She is my first 'proper' teacher when it comes to baking. Took down her recipe, measurement by measurement, and have just varied toppings, fillings and sometimes, chocolate sauce since then..

Some years back, I used to be relying on my cake mixer (the machine that comes with the egg beater 'thongs' and other accessories). This was really good; and also came with intensive washing up, and then making sure all the parts of the machine were dry before they could be put away, high up, in the kitchen cabinet.

One day, this machine broke down. And that was indeed a blessing. Mum taught me the traditional way of doing things, with a wooden spoon and bowl. I tried, and the batter turned out just as fine.

Now, cake making for me is easier - no more arduous washing up, and no thinking twice about having to 'pack up' after baking. It is just so much hassle free.

In life, there are many things that are actually simple in nature, just that we tend to complicate them in our minds. Like my former cake-making antics.

Once you break away from them, everything becomes so much meaningful, and enjoyable. I actually do bake cakes more often now. Thank you, Allah (S.W.T) for making me appreciate the simple joys in life.

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